A New Site for Growth

I’ve always been passionate about growth. 

Over the past few years I have experienced more opportunities to speak about growth with teachers and college students.  I think it’s a great starting point for us teachers to consider.  

We often think our content is the most important thing in the classroom. In fact, we just use the content as a mechanism to inspire growth.  

When we reflect on what is needed for growth to occur, we begin to see the foundations for good teaching.  As passionate teachers, we earn the right to inform, influence and inspire our students.

As I have begun to teach and train on this concept, I realized that it was time to create a website, and hopefully a community around these ideas.  I came up with the idea of SoundEd.

I like it because of the multiple meanings. I know – I’m a nerd like that… Sound – like ‘of solid foundation.’
Sound – as in music
Sound – like the Puget Sound region

My hope is that SoundEd grows into an organization that shapes a community of passionate educators, fosters growth and inspires learning for all students. I have already seen growth and community come from the sessions that my colleagues and I have presented. I am hopeful that we will create workshops, conferences and student festivals at which we can all grow. Join in the fun! Like I always tell my students, “It’s better when you’re here.”

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